Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Album Artwork- a boy called fish

'to the ocean' an original piece by cristina venedict

Well here it is- my new album cover. I really wanted to keep this 'in the bag' until the album was ready but made the mistake of using it as my profile picture on Facebook this morning-!! People are already commenting on it so I thought I should let everyone know where it came from.

It's an original piece by Cristina Venedict, an amazing artist in Botosani, Romania. A few months ago I stumbled on her work and eventually contacted her about using this piece titled- 'to the ocean' as my album artwork. She checked out my work and after some corresponding agreed to let me use it for the album cover. (thanks again Cristina!)
Click the link above to visit her website. I think her work is some of the most original I've seen in years. A true talent. She sells all of her pieces and ships world wide. Cheers!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hello to all out there in wood land- just a quick note to say I’ve started a new Tom Fidgen Music blog over at for anyone interested.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Unplugged

New Web Site

Just wanted to let everyone know that my new site- is now live!
I think readers of Made by Hand will be especially happy to hear that the new site features dedicated areas for all six of the book projects. Each area has FREE Sketch-up Models, and complete down loadable bench plans with expanded galleries and afterthoughts on each of the projects. Books have space limitations and a web site doesn't so I'm happy to include lots of additional pics and information that never made it into the book- I think these will prove very useful when you start making the projects in your own shops at home.

There is also a 'Readers Gallery' and I encourage anyone building any of the projects to send me some photos of their versions of these designs. It'll be a great way to see how design ideas can change and evolve from one shop to the next. You'll also be happy to know the new site is equipped with email subscriptions and RSS feed so it's easy to get the all of my latest posts sent directly to your email.
The gallery section features some of my other work and will be getting some more fine tuning with additional pics and text in the coming weeks.
And for those who don't yet have a copy of Made by Hand, you can order your signed copies there as well with a new section still being prepared with reviews and feedback from readers from around the world. This is always nice for people who are still debating whether they'd like to buy this book or not- some honest reviews from actual readers. I'm also working on a few updated posts that will clarify a few mistakes I made in the writing process. Sometimes writing about wood working procedures is far more difficult than the actual building goes and my book is no exception. I missed a few details here and there and found at least two areas I'd like to re-write...I find them a bit confusing when I read them so it'll hopefully help out others as well!
I'm very happy with the new site and I think you'll appreciate how much easier it is to navigate through. All of my past blogs and posts are there in an easier format, keeping themes and topics together in a well thought out manner.
I welcome you to stop by and have a look around- let me know what you like and what you don't like and as the weeks progress I'll do what I can to make it as good as it can be. I'll slowly be working towards having that as my only web site and will try my best to make the transition from this space to the next as painless as possible. Please update your bookmarks and links when you can.
In closing, I'd like to take a moment and thank Luis Martins (aka 'The Dovetail Kid') for all of the hard work and countless hours you've spent building this new site for me- I would never have been able to do it without you and you have my deepest thanks-

Keep well and I hope you enjoy the new site-

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Offerings from Bad Axe

12 and 14" Backsaws

Bad Axe Tool Works- what more can I say? Simply put I find them to be the finest hand saws on the market today. I own an 18" rip saw and a 16" cross cut that you know if you're a regular here I use on a daily basis. I think they're incredible tools with the highest craftsman ship available but can understand why some beginners may have shyed away from them. Lets face it- these are big saws! For anyone looking for a smaller scale back saw or for someone who couldn't imagine working with the larger scale saws presently being manufactured, Bad Axe is offering both a 12 and 14" saw due out in late March.Buyers can watch for optional fasteners, with standard filings for the 14” saw at 11-12 tpi rip and 12-13 tpi x-cut. The 12” saw’s standard filing will be 12-13 tpi rip and 13-14 tpi x-cut. If these specs don't suite your work then Mark will happily custom file per customers request. Other Bad Axe news can be found on the new Bad Axe FaceBook page.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

One for the Road

A Cabinetmakers Toolchest

Just a quick note to say that the new (and last?) issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine has an edited version of one of the chapters from my book. A Cabinetmakers Toolchest- project one. For anyone that doesn't yet have a copy of Made by Hand, this may be a nice way to get a good look at some of what's inside. The issue, #181, February 2010 also has the first instalment of George Walkers new column, Design Matters as well as a few other great articles. Watch for it at your local newsstands.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Readers Projects

Made by Hand

Over the past few days I've received a few emails from people who have either built pieces from my book or have taken some of the elements and incorporated them into their own designs. I can't tell you how great this is for me to see people working through the designs. It's a very exciting time for me and I wanted to share them with you here.

The first came from Christopher Lindsay at the Combray Furniture Studio.

Chris was building a contemporary jewelry making cabinet for his wife and decided to use half of the design from Project 5 (Picture Perfect) in my book. It's very interesting to see how he used half of the dimensions to create this beautiful bank of drawers. I also found it quite interesting to see how he left the sides of the cabinet open to show the drawer sides. This was actually something I considered doing in my own version of the piece. I don't recall if I mentioned it in the text but I also considered using glass for side panels...maybe the next one?
You can follow along with Chris through the entire building process on his great blog.
Well done Chris and thanks for sharing!

The second came from Richard Siudek of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Richard built his own version of Skinny Legs and All...the small side table, Project 3 in my book.

This is what Richard had to say-
"Hi Tom,
Well it is finally complete! There are a few mistakes but I certainly learned a lot and overall it was fun! The milling and dimensioning were done on a machine but the rest was by hand. I used some leftover ash which was not ideal from a grain viewpoint; the drawer fronts are walnut and the pulls were purchased."

It's interesting to see how the prominent grain in the ash plays through the tapered legs. Lots of nicely made dovetails here and a piece you should be proud to call your own. Well done Richard, and thanks again for sharing this.

And finally, another project from the book but this time a pair of shop bents.

For those of you who don't yet have a copy of Made by Hand, I should tell you that besides the furniture projects, the book also has a few work shop appliance projects and this one is from Larry Marshall over at Wood n' Bits Workshop. Larry blogged his way through the entire process of making these and I can say that I was laughing out loud while I read his posts. Some great writing and another great example of one of the book project. Thanks again for sharing Larry~

I really appreciate everyone sending in their photos and welcome anyone else out there to do the same! My new site will have a dedicated area where I'll post these and other readers projects. I feel that having these available will help others when they're working through their own versions of the pieces.
Thanks again and happy shavings!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Turning Wood

By Mike Morrison

Of all the skills associated with woodworking and furniture making, there is an argument to be made that woodturning is among the most intuitive and, many would say, the most immediately satisfying. Many people get hooked by woodturning the first time they try it. To literally watch a shape emerge from a hunk of wood under the guidance of the tool and the turner is truly something special and the speed and immediacy of this is virtually unparalleled in the woodworking world. This, I believe, is responsible for the huge popularity of woodturning among hobbyists. A lathe, a small toolkit, a means of sharpening and some suitable wood is all that’s needed to get started. From candlesticks to wooden bowls to full size furniture components woodturning is a valuable skill.
My introduction to woodturning came during trade school while I studied furniture and cabinetmaking. Though turning was not a major component of the program, everyone in the class had to design, draft and turn a mallet. Mine was a basic carver’s mallet turned from a blank of 8/4 maple approximately 10” long. I still use it today. Over the course of the program I returned to the lathe whenever I could; during free time, while varnish dried, whenever. I turned small bowls, a lamp base and other odds and ends. I was practicing skills but it didn’t feel like work. It was fun. In school I learned the rules. Proper lathe speed for a given diameter of stock, stock preparation and the proper sizes and types of tools to use for the given operation all seemed very definite and important. Now, ten years later, I couldn’t honestly tell you what the rpm of my lathe is set at when I rough turn a 3”x3” blank. I just follow the basic idea that the bigger and rougher the blank the slower speed I start with, increasing the speed as the blank becomes true. Likewise, I’m not even sure what sizes of gouges I own. I simply choose the one that is appropriate for what I’m about to do. As I said, woodturning is intuitive. You learn the skills and the feel of the work and you know what to do next.So where to start? My recommendation to beginning woodturners is to start slowly and start big. How big? I twice spent a month or so apprenticing with a woodturner named Leo Macneil. I learned most of what I know about turning from Leo. He guided me through the process and let me know what was important and what not to worry too much about. Mostly he had me learn by doing. I spent most of my second block of time in Leo’s shop rough turning wet bowl blanks ranging in size from 12 inch to 30 inch diameter and up to 16” deep! Blanks so big I could barely wrestle them onto the lathe! Blanks so big we rebuilt one of Leo’s lathes to handle them! For me, that was big. I wouldn’t recommend starting quite this big but I certainly wouldn’t start with tiny delicately turned spindles as they take a measure of skill and may prove a frustrating introduction. A mallet is an excellent first project. Designs are everywhere. Find one in a tool catalogue and copy it. Make another one and change the handle shape to suit your hand. Rolling pins are also great practice. I turn one piece rolling pins with integral handles. They are excellent practice for turning long consistent cylinders as well as turning identical components (the handles) as mirror images of one another. Again, magazines, kitchen supply catalogues, the library and the internet are all excellent sources of design ideas. Small bowls, mortar and pestle sets and simple vases all make excellent early projects and will help you get a feel for the tools.

Speaking of tools, what should you start with? Of course you need a lathe. There are actually quite a variety of lathes available on the market. There are tiny bench top mini-lathes, massive dedicated bowl lathes and lots in between. The second or third or fourth hand market is also a possibility and there seems to be no shortage of these lathes around, all of varying price, quality and condition. Then there are the person powered lathes. Treadle lathes and spring pole lathes can be shop built or even purchased. The “Great Wheel” lathe is a fascinating and formidable machine but requires two people to operate it; one to turn the wheel and one to turn the wood. I have no experience with these but have long been fascinated by them and continue to look for an antique treadle lathe to someday press into service. A very basic turning kit made up of just a few tools will allow you to get started and turn out some quality projects. I never recommend buying a large set of turning tools to start with. They often come with things you’ll rarely, if ever, need and I suspect that the quality is less than that of many of the individual tools available. For spindle work you need gouges, skew chisels and parting tools to start. Spindle gouges commonly come in ¼”, 3/8” and ½” sizes. You’ll eventually need all three but if you’re going to start with one get the 3/8”. It will serve a wide range of cutting procedures but you will start to find it too big for many finer applications and a bit slow and clumsy for larger scale stuff. I would apply the same basic idea to a skew chisel. As for a parting tool I’ve only ever had one. It is the old-school standard type and I believe it is 1/8” wide. There are other types and sizes available but I’ve never had any need to buy one. One last thing I’d highly recommend is a set of outside calipers. These, combined with your parting tool, allow you to turn precise, repeatable diameters in your stock. I have a set from Lee Valley that is excellent. The ends are rounded over so they don’t (usually) get caught on the spinning wood and launched across the shop. With this simple and inexpensive kit you can do a whole lot of turning. Once you get into it a little deeper you’ll start to realize what you need to add in order to accomplish your goals. Bowl turning is a different procedure requiring a different set of tools that I won’t get into too deeply here. With bowls, proper gouges and a different type of work-holding are my main concerns.

The list of tools that I use regularly while turning is a fair bit longer than this. Of course, I’ve been adding to it for about a decade and have made part of my living as a woodturner from time to time. I also quite prefer bowl turning to spindle work so much of my gear is specific to that. When I’m set up for turning my kit includes:

• My lathe (duh)
• 14” bandsaw
• Gas chainsaw (for turning logs into bowls blanks)
• Electric chainsaw (for use indoors)
• Several sizes of spindle gouges including a large one for roughing out
• Two sizes of skew chisels
• Several dedicated bowl gouges
• 1/8” parting tool
• Various scraper chisels of different shapes and sizes (rarely used)
• Calipers
• Bowl chuck (grips a turned mortise in the bottom of a bowl)
• Measuring tools including a tape, a folding rule and steel rule
• Bench grinder
• Water stones (though most of my sharpening is straight from the grinder)

My thoughts and opinions here are by no means the gospel of woodturning. These are simply methods and ideas that I have developed over the past ten years through practice, reading, observing the work of fellow turners and through the instruction of several teachers. Although what I do works for me there are always other opinions, other methods and different tools. The best place to learn woodturning is at the lathe, cautiously, but with tool in hand and wood-a-spinnin’! What I offer here, I hope, is some encouragement to try it out and not have to sell the farm to do it.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Around the Woodshop 2010

Wood Turnings, Web Sites and Low-Angle Block Planes

The first week of 2010 has come and gone and I'm happy to say that the world didn't end. Whew~ Happy new year indeed!
Things around the wood shop have been as busy as ever with cut lists being assembled and designs coming out of the wood work. I'm working on a few new commissions and have been ordering some wood and finalising my designs. It's been an exciting few weeks and I can't wait to start making some shavings!
In my last post I featured my new treadle lathe from CME Handworks Inc. in Palos Heights, IL. and I'm delighted to say that I've been turning away. Just with some practice cuts, getting the feel and the rhythm of the process I've been walking around with a bit of a limp lately! The lathe is quite comfortable and no issues at all to report.
I'll post some new information on the lathe again in the coming weeks but wanted to let you know that I've asked a close friend of mine from Cape Breton to write some articles on wood turning for me. My first official 'guest blogger' is Mike Morrison and he's just finishing off his first article for you. Mike and I have been playing music together for almost 20 years (jumpins' how time flies) and he too is a very accomplished craftsman. He builds custom furniture and turns beautiful wood projects so instead of me trying to 'fake' my way through the learning curves of wood turning, I've asked him to share some knowledge. When people search the internet looking for information on wood turning they'll no doubt stumble over here and I wanted to be able to present some viable and accurate information about getting started in wood turning. I'll share with you my own developments as I go but felt there should be content here from someone with experience in the field. I hate it when I visit wood working sites and watch some guy pretend to know what he's doing with a certain hand tool or technique. I don't ever want to be 'that guy' so that's why I've asked an experienced turner to share some thoughts.
Mikes first post should be up in a day or two so stay tuned for that.

In other 'wood shop news' I just finished an article for Canadian Woodworking Magazine- I reviewed four low-angle block planes and if you're interested in finding out my thoughts on them you'll have to pick up issue #65, the april/may issue. The four planes reviewed were the new Stanley SW 60 1/2, the Veritas low-angle block plane, the 60 1/2 by Lie Nielsen and the new DX60 by Veritas. It was fun 'test driving' these tools and you may or may not be surprised at what I found.
Besides that, the new web site ( ) is almost complete and will be launched very soon. There you'll have access to all of my blogs with additional content from Made by Hand. Expanded galleries, full Sketch-up models and free down-loadable bench plans of all six projects will be available. We'll also have a Readers Gallery where people can share pictures and thoughts of their own on the book projects.
I'm looking forward to another busy year and I hope you'll be a part of it to share and enjoy all of these things working wood.