Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lee Valley News

Lee Valley Tools offers a great monthly newsletter that if you currently don't subscribe to, maybe you should consider. It's always packed with how-to style articles and has some pretty cool monthly side bar columns like: From the Collection, From the Archive and my favourite, the What is it? column. This area generally features some interestingly-odd and sometimes pretty clever work shop tools or appliances from the history books. This months newsletter has an article I wrote for them last year showing one method I use for making custom drawer pulls. You can read more about it here: Lee Valley Newsletter

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


My book shipment has arrived.

Now, if you'll excuse me...
I must go lick the feather.
Wish me luck!

Boxes for shipping and shipping and shipping...

I was hoping to have the books out by now but a quick call placed to Popular Woodworking Books yesterday confirmed my shipment was sent last week so I'm expecting them today or tomorrow. I appreciate every ones patience with this. It's funny when I read about people on other wood working sites making comments on it after already receiving it. If you pre-ordered it from Pop. Wood and live within the continental USA then you've probably already leafed through it by now-I hope you enjoy it and welcome your comments.
For everyone else who pre-ordered here from me, you should be seeing your signed copies in the next little while. Just a reminder for anyone that hasn't yet sent in their shipping funds for your pre-ordered copy- the sooner I get it the sooner you'll get it!
Besides this endless sea of address confirmation and Paypal buttons I've been busy like a bee on the book boxes and making my final cut lists for the sharpening bench I'm building. I also have two potential commissions and five more articles to write...maybe I should start getting up at 4am. instead of 5!
With that, thanks again for your understanding and patience with the shipping, I hope it'll be worth the wait. If I had a few people here working with me on it I'm sure the turn around times would be faster but hey, that's life in a one-man wood working shop, you get to wear a lot of hats from the design table to the marketing board, the sales desk to the pricing....not to mention the actual techniques and bench time and then back again on-line answering emails and trying to spread the word....working wood- you've gotta love it !